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Route Selection

We developed the proposed pipeline route to meet the Project objectives while minimizing environmental impacts and adhering to FERC guidance for pipeline routing. To date, our company has refined the planning for the proposed pipeline route; and, further refinement will continue, as warranted, throughout the development process.

Our company and its contractors have thus far relied on geographic information system (GIS) tools to identify and evaluate alternative preliminary routes, prior to selecting the proposed route.

Our Company supplemented the above mentioned GIS-based work by conducting additional desktop analysis of constructability and avoidance of sensitive environmental resources, special use areas, and congested areas. As a result, the pipeline route has been developed to avoid significant areas of concern.

FERC policy gives significant consideration to the use, widening, or extension of existing right of way over developing a new right of way in order to reduce potential impacts on sensitive resources. Therefore, a major objective of the Project during route identification was collocation of the pipeline to the maximum extent possible. Approximately ninety-five percent (95%) of the pipeline route is collocated with or parallel to existing utility rights-of-way. 

DeLa Express LLC reserves the right to alter or adjust the route, as appropriate. If you have any questions,
please contact us

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Pipeline Safety 

The safety of the public as well as our contractors and employees is a top priority.  The Project will be constructed to comply with all safety standards outlined by the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and will utilize proven technologies that have operated safely for decades while also leveraging the latest advancements in design.  The Project will be inspected by regulatory agencies, including PHMSA, both during construction and operations.

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us

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